With SimpleMovieList you can search for movies in an online database and store them offline inside the app.
It its possible to manage arbitrary movie lists by entering own categories (e.g. "Seen", "Lent" and so on…)
The movies can be shifted between categories and supplied with additional notes, therefore the whole movie collection can be classified and you always have the overview.
- Online search for movie titles. The search uses the TMDb API (www.themoviedb.org).
- Display of following movie details:
- Film poster
- Summary
- Release date
- Runtime
- Genre
- Director
- Actors
- Local storage of found movies including detail data.
- Entry of arbitrary categories (e.g. "Seen", "Lent", "On DVD", "On hard disk", "Soon in cinema" and so on…).
- Movies can be assigned to a category and can be shifted later between categories at any time.
- Display of all movies from one category in one list, additional filtering of list is possible.
- For each movie a free text note can be entered.
- Manual entry of a movie if this could not be found online.
- Export of a movie list as PDF or HTML file and transmission via email.
- Export of the complete database into a backup file and transmission via email
- Import of a previous created backup file. This requires a network connection because the movie images must be fetched again from TMDB. The database will be completely replace with contents of the backup file.
- Full text search for arbitrary terms inside the local stored movies.
Additional operation instructions:
- Complete clearing of search field with swipe left.
- Deletion of a movie from a category list: Swipe left onto the list item changes the right icon into a minus icon, with which the movie then can be deleted.
- A tap onto the title of the category list shows a context menu. A click there on the delete button activates the minus icon for all entries in the category list, so more than one entry can be deleted faster.
- A tap onto the movie poster inside the detail view of a movie shows a bigger image.